Happy Dogust! August 1st is the official birthday of shelter dogs, with no birth records. So, Happy Birthday to all shelter dogs with no birth records, whether they are still in a shelter or found their forever home.
To celebrate these furry friends, we are partnering up with re:fab to host a dog supply drive for the Lakeville Animal Shelter.

Please consider donating to our drive all August long, ending on Thursday, August 31st. Donations may be dropped off at:
– DogTowne, 141 County Road, Lakeville, MA
– re:fab, 1193 Ashley Blvd, Rear Building, New Bedford, MA
On top of that, we are donating 10% of all August retail sales to the Lakeville Animal Shelter! So, stop in and get your dog a treat, a leash, yourself some DogTowne gear, and anything else, to help support our local shelter!